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Construction Opportunities Development Council

Proof that cooperation works in our industry.
CODC Constructions Opportunities Development Council Inc. (CODC) is a registered not-for-profit corporation that brings together the CLR Construction Labour Relations Association of Saskatchewan Inc. and the Saskatchewan Provincial Building & Construction Trades Council. All of the Saskatchewan building trades unions and the corresponding employer trade divisions are members of CODC.

Since 1994, CODC has created a win/win environment by establishing mutual goals and objectives for all our stakeholder partners, and creating, developing and delivering programs for mutual benefit. Not only do employees and employers benefit, but so too do project owners, since our efforts have led to a stronger industry, enhanced training opportunities and the best possible supply network.

Some of the most important initiatives that CODC has devloped to benefit employees, employers and project owners are:

The PROS are ready to supply the construction workforce

In Saskatchewan, the organized construction industry has demonstrated that it can meet the varying supply demands of project owners. That’s because over many years, CODC Construction Opportunities Development Council Inc. (CODC) has worked with employees and employers to build a labour network and training system that ensures project owners have access to a ready supply of highly trained and skilled workers.

We’re proud of our long and proven history of researching and developing programs and initiatives to strengthen our industry and supply project clients with the workforce they need to do the job right.